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Daniel is now touring Glisten, his solo performances for babies. Glisten will be performing at twelve venues across the UK from February to March. More details can be found here.

Redbridge Drama Centre, London - 9th February ​

G Live, Guildford - 10th February​

Greenwich Theatre, London - 14th February

​Salisbury Arts Centre - 17th February

​Little Angel Theatre, London - 19th-20th February

Half Moon Theatre, London - 22nd-24th February

​Polka Theatre, London - 28th February - 4th March​

The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre, Hampshire - 9th March

​Stratford Circus, London - 17th March​

The Hullabaloon, Darlington - 22nd March-24th March​

Artsdepot, London - 25th March​

Oxford Playhouse - 31st March

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